Monday, March 1, 2010

Theme Day: Passageway

Berlin 471

The Oberbaumbrücke Bridge

For more Information click here

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants



  1. That's a longggggggg passageway! Perfect for theme day! I guess it's running under a train track?

    I use Picassa for putting together photos instead of photoshop.
    Herzliche GruBe aus EAGAN

  2. Very pretty stone supports and brick arches.

    Graffiti 'artists' just can't keep away from the underside of bridges, can they? Doesn't matter what country or city…

  3. A good choice!
    Solid work.
    I am on my way out.... and I will take the camera with me.
    It is SUNNY today, still snow, and it will be cold for the next 3-4 weeks....

    Enjoy your day!
